Komunikacija v organizaciji
Večina vodstev se zaveda kako pomembna je komunikacija in kako pomembna je izbira komunikacijskih kanalov za dobro in zrelo delovanje organizacije. Vrzeli nastanejo, ko….
Kdaj govorimo o komunikaciji?
Kako so tehnologije spremenile komunikacijo v organizacijah,
Kako razrešimo šum (vsako motnjo v procesu komuniciranja),
Prednosti in slabosti pisnega in ustnega komuniciranja,
Nekaj osnov o neverbalni komunikaciji
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- Type of Event: Webinar
Target Group:
Employees in the company
Speaker Description:
Marjetka Kastner is an inventor of the processes for Sustainable, Learning and Digital organizations. With followed processes organizations can transform themselves to produce success. Marjetka is always committed to the purpose – of developing the people and changing the climate/energy inside the organization. She started training and certifying organizations as far back as 2008. Since then hundreds of companies and individuals have been trained and certified worldwide. In 2016 she was among the first recognized and awarded Social responsibility leaders from the IRDO Institute.
Duration (schedule of multi-day events):
Kdaj govorimo o komunikaciji?
Vrste komunikacije
Kako so tehnologije spremenile komunikacijo v organizacijah,
Kako razrešimo šum (vsako motnjo v procesu komuniciranja),
Prednosti in slabosti pisnega in ustnega komuniciranja,
Nekaj osnov o neverbalni komunikaciji

Life Learning Academia
+386 31 685 305Website
EU timezone.Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: May 09 2023
- Time: 6:30 am - 8:30 am
More Info
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