How to Manage Your Account

Login to Your Account

First you need to register to have an active subscription to

You can follow the instructions here.

If you already have an active subscription, login to your account by clicking an icon in the menu bar on the top of the page:



Fill in the login form:

login form


If you are already logged in from the previous visit, the My Account page will appear immediately.

You can now see all the sections which you can edit.

my account

"Home" Section

In the “Home” section you can change all the profile information about your company, for example, “Contact Person”, “Email address”, etc.

When you enter all the new data, just click the “Save Profile” button at the bottom of the page.

home section


"Subscriptions" Section

In this section, you can change subscription plan (downgrade or upgrade your subscription) or you can cancel your subscription. You can choose from various options.


When you click on the “Change Plan” on the right of the page, a new pop-up window opens.

subscription plan

When you select a new subscription, click on the “SELECT PLAN” button. All the information about how to enable the new subscription it will be sent to your email address.


"Payments" Section

In the Payments section, you can see your active subscriptions. You can also download the pdf invoices.




You can log ut from your account if you click on the logout link.

In this case, you will need to login again to access your account page or to add or edit seminars.
